Bush Hits New Record Low in Virginia

By: James Martin
Published On: 11/14/2007 11:26:12 PM

According to a new Survey USA Poll, George Bush's disapproval rating in Virginia has hit an all time high of 65% while his approval rating weighs in at a dismal 33%.

The Presidents approval rating in Northern Virginia stands at 29% and his disapproval rating stands at 70%. Also interesting that his approval rating among independents is 28% while his approval rating among moderates is 21%.

For me, this is more than enough evidence that Virginians are souring to the Republican brand and are ready to give a Democrat a chance at the White House in 2008!


it took you this long? (pvogel - 11/15/2007 12:18:29 AM)
Virginians soured on Bush, Cheney , and the whole Cabal  in 2006. about the time mr. Macaca spoke his poison.

Republicans will distance themselves (Teddy - 11/15/2007 11:23:48 AM)
from W when crunch time arrives in the general election--- not now, during the primary hulabaloo, when each candidate tries to out-macho, out-swagger The Decider to show how tough they are. But, come the general election, they will blame all problems domestic and foreign on the "Washington crowd" under Bush, call him incompetent, and claim that is the reason conservatism failed. Why, had THEY been in control, competent conservatism would have routed the terrorists, made the economy really bloom, got rid of Chavez, killed Osama, and so on, the snake oil will be remarkable.  Unless, of course, Bush manages to convince everyone the surge worked, the Iraqis responded, and he won the Iraq War, in which case W is vindicated and so are the neocons. Heh.

Remarkable polls (Evan M - 11/15/2007 12:50:43 PM)
That's not the only remarkable poll that came out recently.

55% of Americans believe that Bush has committed offenses that could be deemed impeachable.

What a world...

The people are smarter than their 'leaders' (Ron1 - 11/15/2007 1:18:54 PM)
If you consider that there are the 25-30% dead enders that believe GWB can do no wrong, what that means is that only 20% total of the 70-75% of the population with their eyes open do not yet believe impeachable offenses have occurred, this despite the fact that the media and punditry will not discuss it and Pelosi has declared impeachment off the table.

Our Republic is in serious danger because the House refuses to even discuss impeachment or hold hearings.

Can the idea really be so radical if 55% of the people believe it to be true?