A Few Thoughts on Guy Fawkes Day

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 11/5/2007 11:00:22 PM

"The past, the present and the future are really one: they are today." - Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896)

It's fitting that Virginia has elections every year within days of the holiday that commemorates a British plot to blow up parliament and kill the king.  The second Tuesday of November has always seemed an odd time to have an election, but in a nation that holds it's Constitution above all men, all power, all wealth, and all other aspirations, there couldn't be a better time.

Here in Virginia and across the nation, the last 30 years have seen the rise of a conservative movement.  Like all right-wing, extreme movements it based its rise on a hate for progress, an adoration of aristocrats, and expanded limitations on true freedom.  As their ideological forebears had the Jews, the gypsies, or the gays as scapegoats, conservatism vilified the dreaded "lib-rul".  Vilification made it possible for this, as all other authoritarian movements to raise angry followers and pugilize the opposition.
In very short order, a massive multi-billion dollar smear machine was able to reduce to a slur, the name of the movement that brought America to its leadership role in the world.  The movement that gave the middle class, worker's rights, voting rights, women's rights, peace, prosperity, hope and freedom as an example to the world, was endlessly defamed by the billionaire plutocrats who  sought to plunder the riches of the most wealthy nation on earth, and the trusting faithful who they swindled.

For over 20 years the waters of conservatism rose, built on a foundation of greed, hatred, and ignorance, but the good work of hard working and effective liberals in government and every day life, had created a storehouse of wealth and excellence that was hard to extinguish.  It was only under a national extremist government, the Bush Administration, and its red-faced shadow in the Virginia legislature, that the fault lines began to show.  Endless debt, and reckless mismanagment have laid bare the failings of this sick and dangerous movement, promulgated by the greed of tyrants, and the manipulation of the faithful.

Now that the truth is obvious, what will happen?  Now that America knows the "Family ValuesTM" party to be the party of closeted, self-hating, gay-bashers, whore mongers, and pedophiles, what will they do?  Now that America knows the "Strong MilitaryTM" party as the party strategic military ignorance, failed jingoistic belligerence, and the Iraq War's $1 Trillion boondoggle, what will they do?  Now that America knows the "Small GovernmentTM" party to be the party of endless debt, massive government spending and invasiveness, and a true enemy of the Bill of Rights, what will they do?

In American civil society, we don't blow things up.  In American civil society, we vote the bums out.  Recent polls have shown that this is the angriest electorate in the history of polling, that voters don't just want change, they want to punish the people who have taken so much away from our Great Nation.

The selfish children who stormed into Washington under Gingrich, and who overtook the Virginia House following George Allen, have taken America to the brink, and the remedy is simple.

As Harriet Beecher Stowe said, "The past, the present and the future are really one: they are today."  And today, is Election Day.


Does this mean... (Bwana - 11/6/2007 12:12:49 AM)
Lowell will be at the polls tomorrow wearing his Guy Fawkes "V is for Vendetta" mask? ;-)

I never read "V is for Vendetta" (Lowell - 11/6/2007 6:29:28 AM)
Also, I didn't write this diary.  So, I guess the answer to your question is "no."  :)

so? (Bwana - 11/6/2007 8:32:45 AM)
You could easily have seen the movie, plus that long black hat, long hair, and moustache would be SUCH a good look fo you...or so I am told! ;-)

Be careful this AM...roads are slick...

Amusing Tidbit about Guy Fawkes (Matusleo - 11/6/2007 6:08:16 AM)
Guy Fawkes was a Catholic who acted in retaliation against the persecution Catholics suffered under the Protestant monarchs.  They'd hoped to restore England to Catholic rule by the Gunpowder Plot.

Still, V for Vendetta made Guy Fawkes day cool over here too. ;-)

Ut Prosim

Remember, remember the Sixth of November (pvogel - 11/6/2007 6:15:35 AM)
Just think of them Ballots as pieces of gunpowder and throw the scalawags out!

Never heard of Guy Fawkes till today... (TMSKI - 11/6/2007 9:12:06 AM)
... and my education started with the fact that Ron Paul, the Libertarian Republican raised more money on the internet in a single day then any other Presidential candidate (except for Hillary and Obama).

Ron Paul, who I like (seems like a guy who's actually lived by his prinicipals) would take great exception to Grey Havens piece. Classical Liberals of the past (think of the founding fathers) were not the "liberal" socialist of the 21st century. And true conservatives are just as concerned and perhaps even OUTRAGED by what the Bush adminestration has fostered:  BIG GOVERNMENT - the biggest spending government since LBJ. Now there's a trioka for ya (POTUS / Texas / Ill advised war). One "Liberal" Democrat ... the other "Conservative" Republican .... but both from Texas.

I'll end to say what people want is "Good" government and often that means cutting back useless / non-productive agencies. For that matter there are many areas that need reform, the legal system, the tax system, the election process itself etc. Let's hope today that we will get reasonable people elected to office who can work with a good govenor and get some things done.

Speaking of Guy Fawkes (Lowell - 11/6/2007 2:05:00 PM)
From Chris Cillizza...

Just in case you were under a rock yesterday, the big news from the presidential campaign trail was the more than $4 million that Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R) raised on line.

Yep. That Ron Paul. And, to be exact it was $4.2 million. The massive online fundraising haul was organized by Paul supporters around the country to commemorate the attempted assassination of King James I by a group of men that included Guy Fawkes in 1605. (Fawkes has become a legendary figure in British history and was featured in the film "V is for Vendetta" -- a Fix favorite.)