68th House - Make Me Wrong, Vote Katherine Waddell

By: norman swingvoter
Published On: 11/5/2007 9:37:56 PM

First let me say I hope to get on this blog tomorrow and say I was wrong.  However, Loupassi still has the odds in his favor.  Waddell's only hope is to have a large number of Democrats and Independents turn out.  Loupassi is supported by eric cantor (robocalled us today) and has worked for george bush and jerry kilgore (below).  Waddell is supported by Mark Warner and Tim Kaine (from a campaign mailing in my hand). The way I view it we can either vote for Loupassi supported by eric cantor or vote for Waddell supported by Warner and Kaine.
From Loupassi's Website
George W. Bush for President Richmond Chairman, 2004
Virginians for Jerry Kilgore, Finance Committee, Central Virginia
Committee Chairman, 2005
