Corey Riley, Corey Stewart, Chaos and Conflict on 9500 Liberty

By: EricByler
Published On: 11/2/2007 1:18:13 PM

Participants in our virtual town hall are requesting videos on 9500 Liberty faster than I can create them.  There have been several since my last post here.  This latest one profiles Corey Riley (D) candidate for Supervisor in the Gainesville district of Prince William, and provides Mr. Riley's perspective on how the rushed passage of the anti-illegal immigration resolution led to chaos and division in the county government.  Interview is intercut with  tempers flaring as P.W.C. Board of Supervisors debates whether the new resolution will require another tax hike.  Riley was watching the whole process wondering why these and other complications weren't considered before introducing the resolution, which he feels ignited unnecessary conflict in the community.  Working on a follow-up with further critique of the tactics of his opponent, John T. Stirrup (R) who first introduced the resolution in late June.


Meanwhile, our documentary was featured on Fox News last night, in the Potomac News Journal, and will be on ABC local news today in the five o'clock hour.
Try this link for Fox 5 News piece:


Mr. Riley is impressive (Teddy - 11/2/2007 3:46:25 PM)
and well-spoken, and nails Stewart and Stirrup (the SS of Prince William). After hearing his critique of the sequence of events it is ever more painfully clear that this entire illegal immigration resolution was little more than a bit of Republican grandstanding at the last minute in order to win elections (they think). Again, Republicans do not govern, have no concept of governing, except perhaps as authoritarian mock-Giuliani-style dictators, but they sure know how to be inflammatory demagogues on the campaign trail.

Is there a perceived problem on the local level with the growing influx of undocumented aliens? Yes. Do the Republicans have a viable, feasible solution on the local level for the local pain? No.  Listen to Mr. Riley, though.  He does know how to go about creating a solution. Elect him if you want to get something done.

I am voting for Riley (snolan - 11/2/2007 8:47:04 PM)
He is a professional, compassionate, courteous, and rational.

I can't wait to have him on the PWC BoCS.

Time for the Liberty Wall to go (usmcwife - 11/9/2007 8:42:42 PM)
The original banner at 9500 Liberty which spawned the video series was placed on a structure that had been fire-damaged.  The owners applied for and received a demolition permit to tear down the structure.

The amount of time granted for the demolition of the damaged structure has come and gone. In the meantime, the activists have placed a permanent structure at 9500 Liberty, in violation of county regulations regarding signage in Old Town Manassas.  The "new and improved" Liberty wall is an eyesore.

It is also emblematic of the core issue that angered many county residents, myself included.  It speaks to a group of people who do not feel that the rules apply to them, or that they can willfully ignore rules and regulations that they do not like or that they disagree with.

The activists behind the "Liberty Wall" have had their opportunity to use it as a platform to express their political views.  The election has come and gone.  The pro-resolution forces, whether you like it or not, won an overwhelming majority to the BOCS.  The wall serves no other purpose than to thumb its nose at law-abiding, peace loving county residents.

It is time for the county to enforce the rules and demolish the wall if the owners refuse to do so willingly.

Chairman Stewart, tear down that wall !!  Return law and order for all to PWC.