Brady Campaign Endorses Oleszek

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/31/2007 9:08:16 PM

The Fairfax Times is reporting on a big endorsement for Janet Oleszek from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, said his organization could not support Oleszek's opponent because he has voted against closing the "gun show loophole" -- a bill that would have mandated background checks during gun shows in Virginia.

Great news for Janet.  You guys may not believe it, but I really feel like she's going to pull this one out.

By the way, Janet's going to win even though the corporate (formerly known as "mainstream") media has completely failed to do its job and report the Cuccinelli land deal/tax dodging scandal.  Awwww....tooo complicated for the lazy, dumbass reporters and their lazy, dumbass editors to understand?  Too close to the election so they might be accused of being "liberal?"  Horrors.  So much for citizen journalism, or journalistic integrity in general?  Whatever, all I know is that the corporate media is utterly pathetic and has ZERO integrity at this point.  Of course, we knew that leading up to the Iraq war, when they failed to question any of Bush/Cheney's crazy claims and played a big role in taking this country to war.  William Randolph Hearst would be proud.  And no, dumbass reporters who don't know history, that's NOT a compliment!


At a weekly meeting I attend...Ken Cuccineli showed up... (SaveElmer - 10/31/2007 10:27:38 PM)
And spoke for about 10 minutes. The group is a non-partisan one so he didn't make an appeal for votes or anything...however he said on more than one occasion that he wasn't sure if he would win...and mused for a bit on what he would do if he did lose...that he still had alot to do outside of politics.

It didn't sound like the bogus humility that politicians often display when they are trying not to gloat...he almost sounded a bit introspective...and fairly subdued

Just thought I would throw that in...not sure if it really means he sees something in the polling numbers that worries him or what...just thought it was interesting.

Amy Gardner Is Too Biased (Not Harry F. Byrd, Sr. - 10/31/2007 11:42:00 PM)
Amy Gardner announced on the Kojo Show that the race was all but over.  She just wants to write more about "Ms. Davis."  I'm not clear exactly what actual empirical evidence she's basing that on, because just about every metric I've heard about is pointing exactly the opposite direction.

Beyond that, the Post's coverage this cycle has been awful which only goes to show why these blogs are stealing all of their readers. 

The Baker-O'Brien race has been invisible along with Cooch-Oleszek.  The Post Metro section hasn't done squat to cover the HOD races. 

You'd think there was only one important race going on the way Amy Gardner and her editors seem to choose their stories.

The failure to report on the Cooch land deal is totally mind boggling:

- Cooch earns an unusually high profit ($25-$40K for holding a property for 5 days)
- Cooch The head of the ATR Anti-Tax Caucus votes to raise a tax that he cheats on
- The guy who's supposed to collect that tax (Clerk Frey)from Cooch publically then endorses him
- Cooch then fails to report any trace of this $185K deal on his Economic Disclosure
- THEN it turns out the deal was effectively with a mycogonistic halucinogenic-mushroom-pill-popping lobbyist whose organization (aligned with Mike Farris) had praised Cooch 6 months earlier for carrying their water in the Virginia Legislature.

Nothing to see here?  HELLO WASHINGTON POST??????????????????????????

I've given up on the Washington Post (Lowell - 11/1/2007 5:30:43 AM)
It's not a serious newspaper if it can't cover more than one Virginia General Aseembly race per cycle. 

Janet rocks and she will win (Tania - 11/1/2007 12:11:36 AM)
having canvassed and phone banked for Janet since July, I have been very impressed with the positive and kind words and committment voters have expressed for her because of the work she has done in the schools.  The cherry on top of the fudge sundae was whenever a voter did not know who her opponent was ... Janet's support and leadership for peer mediation in our public schools and unwavering support for public safety officers merits this endorsement.  Good call Brady Campaign! 

I hope so (Ron1 - 11/1/2007 12:40:49 AM)
I would be there this weekend helping out, but I'll be down in Houston for my 10 year college reunion. I did chip a little more dough towards Janet and George's campaigns, so I hope that helps get them a little closer to victory.

I'll be a better Democrat next year and not plan anything the month before Election Day.

Mayor from New York (seamusotoole - 11/1/2007 9:42:47 AM)
What I really don't get about the Mayor from New York who will remain nameless, coming down here for Jeanmarie Davis is that he should be going after O'Brien and Cuchinelli for their abysmal votes on gun legislation if he wants to go after someone.  They've done nada for mental health services in the state of Virginia or for closing one loophole in the gun laws.  Cuchinelli is in bed with the NRA while all of us are working to prevent another tragedy like Virginia Tech ever happening in our state again.  Instead, he promotes carrying guns about everywhere in the state including on college campuses.  The Brady Campaign endorsed Janet Oleszek for a good reason.  She will fight to change the gun laws in this state so they are sensible.
I have watched two of my neighbors out here in Sully District struggle with the senseless death of their daughters.  Let's get out there and get the vote out for
Janet and get Cuchinelli and the rest of his ilk out of office. Let's move this state forward.  Let's make it impossible for someone who has been commited to a mental hospital from going over to the Expo Center to the gun show and purchasing a gun with no wait period and no questions asked.  We've had two tragedies out here in Sully and something positive needs to be done to prevent anymore from happening.