By: Lowell
Published On: 10/26/2007 4:25:49 PM

The depths to which this woman -- I won't even say her name at this point -- will sink apparently know no bounds.

Jeannemarie Devolites Davis has just released a statement regarding her putting the entire Petersen family in danger and REFUSES TO APOLOGIZE.  I'm working on getting a copy now.  Instead she claims the Petersen campaign posted this youtube video of her daughter.  No they didn't post it, and reposting HER OWN CAMPAIGN VIDEO UNEDITED FROM 1997 IS NOT COMPARABLE TO HER ATTEMPTS TO INCITE HARASSMENT AGAINST CHAP'S WIFE AND SMALL CHILDREN. Frankly Jeannemarie, no one would even have posted this ad from 1997 had you not had your future husband (while married to someone else) moderating the video and talking about your "family values".  This campaign video from your political beginning in 1997 shows your hypocrisy and will also mark your end in public life in 2007.  As they say in radio, don't go away mad.  Just go away.

Ben says it perfectly, I can't really add any more except for a stream of profanities, but since this is a family blog and all...

OK, one more comment:  let's make sure that Chap Petersen not only defeats you-know-who on November 6, but absolutely crushes her, hopefully putting an end once and for all to the Devolites-"DeLay"-Davis family business.


Classic death spiral (True Blue - 10/26/2007 5:03:40 PM)
RPV Republicans never apologize; they just double down and go even lower.

Revolting (DanG - 10/26/2007 6:00:05 PM)
I am so furious right now.  I really have few words that I could post here without them being removed.

Not surprised, sad to say (Craig - 10/26/2007 6:04:00 PM)
Allen didn't apologize for the macaca thing, so I guess this is the new Republican MO.  Consistent maybe, but so, so stupid.

Here's what WJLA says thus far (PM - 10/26/2007 6:31:58 PM)

Admit nothing, Deny everything, Counter-attack (Teddy - 10/26/2007 6:40:42 PM)
and lie, lie, lie. Is there another way? Not for Republicans. If anyone asks me again: Why did you leave the Republican Party? I can point to this kind of psychosis which appears to be prevelant among the public members of the GOP, from the very top on down.

At Least Once She Is Defeated We Won't Have To Worry So Much... (HisRoc - 10/26/2007 7:05:03 PM)
...about her blasting around Providence District in her red BMW convertible with the "State Senate 34" ticket-proof tags.  She is a menance on the road, if you've never encountered her.  Speeds while talking on a cell phone, never uses turn signals while changing lanes and passing on the right...typical hypocritical scofflaw politician.  I found it amazing that she introduced the legislation to re-authorize photo stop light cameras.  I guess if you have State Senate tags, you don't have to worry about getting ticketed by a machine.  Her tickets probably get tossed in the "unreadable plate" can.

Heh, just for fun... (Craig - 10/26/2007 8:32:58 PM)
...I asked my roommate if he'd even encountered a Red BMW with the license plate 34, and he said "Yeah, the driver was a real asshole."  I just cracked up.  I mean I didn't tell him who it was and that was his immediate response.

Abuser fee for Jeannemarie? (Lowell - 10/26/2007 8:38:38 PM)

A pretty girl (Teddy - 10/26/2007 9:02:55 PM)
usually gets a free pass, too; Jeannemarie is easy on the eye (why do you suppose Davis first noticed her?) and she has carried that invulnerable, aren't I jus' the cutest thing you evah saw" with her as she has aged. I know it's catty to point this out, but I'm sure I'm not the only woman (of any age) who doesn't know exactly what I mean. Trophy wives are like that.

I agree (Rebecca - 10/26/2007 9:30:40 PM)
She does have the cuteness factor going for her, but Chap is pretty cute too. Just had to add that.

The YouTube Post Is 4 Months Old!!! (code - 10/26/2007 8:14:38 PM)
Did anyone notice that the video was posted to YouTube on 06/26/07? Over at NLS, "Aimee" points out that it was posted by Brian Murray, a Chap supporter. But what I didn't see anyone pointing out was that this wasn't a response in any way. He posted that video up 4 months ago.

NBC4 coverage of Petersen family controversy (PM - 10/26/2007 9:00:48 PM)

The excuse JMDD gives about her old campaign video is wholly unpersuasive.  It was something she herself ran.

And This From WUSA9 (Barbara - 10/26/2007 9:29:57 PM)
Channel9 News

As mad as this makes me, your reference to her as 'this woman' and 'you-know-who' made me laugh out loud.  I think I need to get my wallet out again.  Anything, if it can help. 

Did Carmela, I mean Jeannemarie, have Ben whacked? (jsrutstein - 10/26/2007 9:34:47 PM)
I can't get on NLS.  Anyone else having trouble?

She may have, but... (Lowell - 10/26/2007 9:37:34 PM) appears that other Typepad blogs are down as well.  Do you think Tom's powers spread that far? :)

Probably not. Tony, I mean Tom, is a technophobe. (jsrutstein - 10/26/2007 9:42:31 PM)

Great timing for Typepad to go down... (Lowell - 10/26/2007 9:48:07 PM)
I suspect the North Koreans, Tom Davis and a rogue element of Albanian separatists.  Ha.

I was about to ask the same question. (Barbara - 10/26/2007 9:39:38 PM)

Post story is up (PM - 10/26/2007 9:50:45 PM)

It's slated for page B5.  They're probably devoting the first page of Metro to pumpkin carving or something.  (And the Post wonders why its subscriptions are declining.)

Pumpkin carving, a fire somewhere (Lowell - 10/26/2007 9:56:32 PM)
...several articles on the rain, a car crash, THEN maybe the Post can talk about the most high-profile political contest in the DC metro area this year.  C'mon, get your priorities straight! Heh.

True to form (Teddy - 10/26/2007 10:38:18 PM)
the Washington Post glides right over the story, emphasizing Devolites' response, and her accusations against Petersen, implying in the body of the story it was no big deal, just an effort by Petersen to create controery in a tight race where Devolites is apparently pulling ahead. Hope you didn't expect anything better from the Post.

Feature Story on Metro-Dance Class Business (PM - 10/27/2007 9:55:41 AM)
Instead of putting the Devolites scandal on the front page of Metro, the Post did a "feel good" piece about an entrepreneur, with  one huge photo and one small photo.  So the Post ran a story of modest value, that could have been printed on a slow news day.  The story ran with a huge picture that, if it had been dropped, would easily have allowed placement on the Devolites story where it belonged. A junior grade graphics editor could have made the change in a few minutes.

The Post continues its unethical sucking up to the D-D crowd.

Newspapers get in a tizzy all the time about political disclosure laws (as well they should).  Looks like the newspaper industry could use more of the same.

This is the truth -- the only reason I continue subscribing is because the kids read the comics pages (and that's how I learned to read).

Surely You Didn't Expect Anything Else From the Paper That Endorsed Her (HisRoc - 10/27/2007 3:04:27 PM)
But I thought that NBC4's coverage was more balanced.  And a lot more people saw that than the Saturday WP.  That's why the Post puts all the most critical Letters to the Editor in the Sound Off section on Saturday--nobody reads it.

Time to run both Davises out of town (Kindler - 10/26/2007 10:16:59 PM)
Send 'em into exile on K Street.  They'll probably make lots of money and remain influential but at least we'll be free of their clutches.

No class. (JPTERP - 10/27/2007 12:31:12 AM)
I saw a little segment about this on Fox News's local channel -- also caught JMDD's scatter-shot attack ad on the local NBC affiliate. 

And yes, I thought her "no apology" and rationalization for why it was OK to harass the Peterson family was frankly more than a little bizarre. 

A no class campaign, from a unclassy candidate.

we need to attend jm d dav s campaign events. (pvogel - 10/27/2007 9:19:18 AM)
and turn around and show her our backsides.
(Keep your clothes on)

She is the poster girl for republican values