I am tired

By: idealthoughts
Published On: 10/18/2007 3:05:34 AM

So PW County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution! Big deal. Like the rightwing nuts there exists a leftwing nuts faction using the Rovian tactics of distortion and misrepresentation of facts.

Do you recall our reaction to the Democrats in Congress passing useless resolutions as opposed the real legislation? How about prior to the 2006 elections which supposedly equalized the three branches of govrnment? Didn't the Republicans purpose and pass numerous resolutions about our troops in Iraq rather then addressing the dangers to those troops?
In a recnt and lengthy response to an article on this blog, I spoke out against the Mexicans Without Borders argument against this resolution and concerns of supposed progressive liberals who termed this resolution as "racist". In response one individual looked at my quote from Benjamine Franklin and thought it hypocritic that I would quote Franklin and take the stance I did. My response was not nice especially when someone takes a quote and completly misconstrues to a topic that quote in no way referred to.

In another response the author tried to make certain arguments and though well written, once again tried to play "lawyer" and inserted a different meaning then what I stated, after no less trying to minimalize my issues and challenge me because I posted "on a blog".

Well after working a 10 hour shift in an ICU type of situation I attended the Board meeting and expressed myself and position before the Board. I sat for hours listening to the arguments against the resolution, and watched saddened, as a good man, an immigrant walked away from the podium crying fearing the resolution would cost him his home and life savings. He sat next to me afterwords and we spoke and then after I was allowed to present we spoke again and I found myself correcting misinformation provided by many groups opposed to the resolution. This poor hard working LEGAL immigrant was scared to death by a group that owes no allegence to country, rule of law, or social norms and culture. I hope after we spoke he seemed calmer but still confused, however he has my name and number and can contact me for assistance and clarification of the crud he has been fed.

What is interesting to note is first the issue that the resolution is racially motivated. Several hispanic speakers talked about the resolution being aimed at "hispanics" only and saying "the white Canadians who cross the border" were exempt. News flash, under the current regime Canadians are smarter then to cross the border to a country that is more interested in "imposing" democracy on countries of the middle east while neglecting it's own citizens after a natural disaster are not even a spec on the illegale immigration issue.

The other big talking point was the claim "we are not illegal" we are hard working "and pay taxes". One hispanic real estate sales person castirgated those Americans who saw that illegals "bought big nice homes" while they couldn't. Why? Because in her words "they didn't work hard enough" at the same time claiming illegal immigrants took the jobs Americans didn't want, overlooking the fact that those she criticised as under achievers worked the ssame jobs but because they were citizens payed the full taxes which in many cases kept them from affording the high costs associated with the D.C. metropolitan area. Her crowning point was probably the biggest argument against illegal aliens, being that she had helped and sold these homes to many "illegals".

It is my hope she is soon investigated and arrested as her admission before the Board is an admission of violation of many national security laws and morgage laws in buying property, and shows her contempt for the laws and rules of this nation. (I will admit here I do not support or agree with some of those laws I still live by them until a court or Congress says "no way").

Many of the stories brought forth were truly heart retching. What seemed to be lost were the statements of myself and two other legal immigrants/citizens. One seik, a native of India spoke as to how he had waited months to get his initial visa, and how he had gone through the immigration process and endured the seperation from his family, but because of his belief in this country obeyed the laws. His statement was simple, "what makes these illegals better then me"? This was expressed by another legal immigrant woman who also supported the resolution. As for myself, my wife, Peruvian by birth endured a six month wait seeking just a visa almost daily in the lengthy line outside the American Embassy in Lima. That line stil lexists today and I have seen it myself after several trips to Peru. Oh by the way we are still awaiting a visa for my father-in-law for compassionate medical treatment here?

Another distortion of truth by organizers supporting the illegal immigrants is that they pay the same taxes. Really? Many of those hard (and I will add gifted) workers recieve cash payments. Some directly, some under the table but there are no "income" taxes files because they have no legal tax id or SSN. Virginia, unlike Florida derives it's income fom property and income taxes, so 2/3rds of the revenue is not gained by the Commenwealth. That is a very lieniant guess by the way.

Overall, their main arguement about "not being criminals" is totally flawed. No not that the hispanic groups are all members of MS13, they aren't. Many are truly gifted good honest people looking for a better life as decribed in Maslow's famous hierarchy of needs. I and most other members of the community would welcome them as neighbors. But I remember standing on the sidelines, filled with honor and pride as my wife swore her oath of citizenship. I remember the oath and the first couple of sentences talked about swearing allegance to this country, it's laws, and saying basically the U.S. is their home above all other nations. I also remember the Haitian and Chianese boat refugies being turned away. After time even the Vietnamiese boat people being turned back. "Mexicans without Borders" implies no such allegance except to one's self. And in the end, why should these illegals be given priviledged status above my father-in-law, or the seik's family members, especially after breaking the law? How can one uphold their oath of citizensship when they have already violated the first portion of that oath?

In closing I will note that several business speakers spoke out against the resolution, several of which claimed to be CEO's of companies outside Virginia. Forget that the first portion they spoke in was reserved for "county residents alone". In an excellent Op-Ed piece in today's Huffington Post, John Ridley addresses the issue of illegal immigrant support from the far left in terms of modern day "slavery". Read it an see if it doesn't change the course of your thinking. Therein lies a major portion of the problem. Are you just concerned with your stock profits? Think about it. http://www.huffingto...
