Gerry Connolly Gets Push Polled

By: Eric
Published On: 10/17/2007 6:27:29 PM


I'm not sure who is after Gerry Connolly, but something keeps bringing me back to three letters - G.O.P.  Now why would that be?  Could it have anything to do with the fact that a push poll is, well, dirty campaigning (GOP) and one particular party (GOP) has this nasty habit of playing dirty (GOP)? 

Maybe they think it's okay since Connolly's opponent, Baise (GOP),  doesn't stand a chance in hell.  No way this'll hurt Connolly.  And we all know that cheating only matters if someone gets hurt.  Right?

Dirty or Not?  You be the judge - courtesy of my answering machine (it's not the greatest recording quality, but you'll get the picture real quick).

LISTEN TO THE CONNOLLY PUSH POLL (40 seconds, 275KB, mp3). 


I got this too (adshubert - 10/18/2007 3:57:49 PM)
I actually got this one live and responded with indignant shouts when prompted (I am sure the robo-dialer was quite cowed), but the underhanded part of this is that you notice initially they didn't identify who paid and authorized the call which legally they are supposed to do, calling themselves "Political Research."  Well, actually they did as after the "Political Research" part a voice comes on and it is so low as to be inaudible which presents the disclaimer.  I could not catch what the voice was saying, but if anyone receives this call in person, try and either record it or listen very closely after the alleged end where the people ID themselves.  And if this is the best they've got against Gerry, Baise won't outpoll Brickner.