Prince William County and the Elderly (any elderly)

By: Dianne
Published On: 10/17/2007 7:11:11 AM

Our Christian nation at work:  Prince William has pinpointed a more limited set of services and benefits [to curb], including substance abuse counseling, homeless assistance and in-home care and other county programs for the elderly.  (From today's Washington Post story on the Prince William illegal immigrant debacle.)

As the daughter of very elderly parents, my heart breaks at the thought of old and infirm people being denied the help they might need.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"  Emma Lazarus

The bitterness, selfishness, and hatred in the hearts of those who would deny the sick and elderly help is a sad description of what we call a "Christian" nation.


Prince William Co. and the Elderly (Mary I - 10/18/2007 12:54:56 AM)
Dianne ..It is truly heartless. There was one member of the BOS, a woman, who remembered that between 12:30 and l:30, lunch was served at the senior center. She noted that and made certain those elderly folks could continue to come for lunch.  I got to thinking about it and wonder if that lunch might be funded like school lunches for kids who come from low income families.  I "think" there is a federal program that supports that effort. What makes me sad is a few hours at the senior center for some of these elderly people with others who speak their language, have some of the same life experiences and fears would be so helpful with respect to mental health. Now, they can't stay to visit, but must eat and run. BTW, my mother is 93 so like you, I can relate to some of the special needs of these seniors.

Thanks Mary (Dianne - 10/19/2007 6:47:57 AM)
Both my folks are dependent on "the system" (Social Security and Medicare) for their existence and I am so thankful that these safety nets are there.  To deny social services to those (the elderly and children) who are weak and cannot support themselves is immoral -- be you Christian, Muslim, Buddist, or atheist.

So how can Democrats respond to the overwhelming wave of anti-illegal-immigration voices to ensure that the helpless are not thrown in the street?  Speak loudly, clearly, and persistently that illegal immigrant children and elderly will not be denied the protection that HUMANITY demands.

I'm incensed by the lack of decency and compassion that the PWC BOCS has shown. It is now time to write letters to editors and express your disapproval of the cruel treatment of helpless human beings! It takes courage but it needs to be done. 

I think this video clip summarizes the Republican Eldercare position (Used2Bneutral - 10/19/2007 7:17:20 AM)