Rudy Assembles Team Too Crazy Even for W

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 10/16/2007 10:14:58 PM

Wow.  Just wow.

If Bloody Rudy wins this election, we're pretty much going to nuke the world.  no way around it.

Will America buy "Stupid and ViolentTM" yet again?  Signs point to no, but we completely underestimated Bush two times and look what that got us.

Rudy is being anointed by the Republican Party.  Just watch FOX opinion media for 5 minutes.  Everything is through the lens of Rudy 4 Prez.It's 9/11 Rudy, Flip Romney, Grampa Fred, and Crazy Ron Paul.  That's how they're portraying their own candidates.  The only one they're giving any respect to is John McCain; which is fueling talk of Rudy/McCain '08 from the GOP despite the lack of anything to motivate the base.

Regardless of running mate, it'll be Rudy, and we need to be able to beat him, because these are the people who are going to bankrupt America with endless war.
