Prince William Meeting to Go Until 2 AM?

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/16/2007 9:42:45 PM

I've been listening to the Prince William County immigration debate for several hours, and I'm amazed at the passion and intensity of the speakers.  I just wonder if any of that passion -- by people on either side of this issue -- will persuade Prince William County board members to change their minds.  Apparently, this thing's going to continue until 2 am, at which point presumably the supervisors are going to vote on their resolution.  Can anything good come out of this situation?  I doubt it, especially if this resolution is passed.  We'll see soon enough if these supervisors have any wisdom.  I'm not terribly optimistic, though.


Wouldn't it be ironic (pol - 10/16/2007 11:33:15 PM)
if Corey Stewart spent $30,000 of taxpayers' money to encourage his base to come out and let their voices be heard" today, and then the BOCS had to delay the vote because too many people came??

Lowell, is it an amazing meeting (GinterParked - 10/16/2007 11:36:21 PM)
First, I'll give all credit to PWC for streaming this.  Let's just say this wouldn't happen in metro Richmond, where one of the bigger issues in the Henrico superivisors race is the fact that one of five supervisors supported taping meetings, for later listening.

What strikes me is this:  We have to reach accomodation on this issue, because like King Canute it's unlikely we'll hold back the tide.  For that matter, we don't want to, as the tide nourishes us, as it always has.  It's unfortunate and ironic that the Bush adminstration has come too late to the debate on immigration policy.  And, it's impossible for localities to legislate on this issue, despite PWC's attempt tonight.

I've listened now for about thirty minutes.  The interpreter has a pleasant voice, and like UN interpreters does her best not to inflect.  The passion is easy to hear in a speaker's voice, though.

Someone told me the other day that immigrants are the new gays.  I smiled, ruefully.

You know.... (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/17/2007 1:18:22 AM)
The more I listen to this, and the more I hear the cheering of people outside and realize there are thousands there protesting and that people are pouring their hearts out--on both sides--the more I am proud of this country.

I think in terms of pure politics, the Republican Party is frankly, committing suicide.

But more importantly, people of all walks of life and backgorunds are rising up and giving their views and perspectives.  It's a good thing.  I've heard many more people speaking against the resolution than for it, and that has warmed me.

Regardless of how you feel, this is undoubtedly educating a lot of people--hopefully and notably, I hope, at least four members of the Board of Supervisors.

Prince William Meeting (Mary I - 10/17/2007 2:09:58 AM)
Have to agree, Doug. The speaker who works at the Pentagon made an excellent vote, but get together with ICE, the Police Chief etc. and sort out the true problems and come up with solutions.
I did think an interesting point was the payment of taxes and into social security. I wonder how that is done without a social security number.

Well... (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/17/2007 2:36:46 AM)
That's easy--I think the company's are inventing them for their undocumented workers so that they can say they are legal when they may not be.  Horrendous.

What the hell does it say about our country that we want, need, and encourage millions to come here and work, without proper documentation, and people feel they need to act that way to live and work?

This whole issue is disgusting and the federal government needs to f-ing fix this.  You can't send them home.  You can't not provide for the labor demands or in our economy.  You can't even think of the mess that will entail if millions are deported.  The anti-immigrant (and notice I say anti-all-immigrant because that is what this assault is) wave is a stain on America, again.

This is ridiculous at all levels.

Where the F is Pelosi, where the F is Bush?  This needs to be fixed because it's truly tearing up our communities and our society.

This is the kind of crap that can lead to civil unrest if it's not handled right.

PWC is fanning the flames of that potential, unfortunately.

The FEDERAL level is where this needs to be solved, not in the counties and states.

WTF!?? (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/17/2007 2:41:36 AM)
Did they just vote UNANIMOUSLY for the resolution!!????

What the hell!

I'm not sure... (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/17/2007 2:44:25 AM)
what they just voted on, but I am going to bed thoroughly disgusted and angry.

I guess Chairman Corey "Deport Them All" Stewart just got his wish.

This is a sad day for Prince William, for Virginia, and for all people here.

Ain't that wonderful!?!?!? (vote-left - 10/17/2007 2:47:44 AM)
we have some people who believe in the rule of law.

Hallelujah! (vote-left - 10/17/2007 4:21:57 AM)
The tension in Woodbridge came as officials in Fairfax County and Richmond also turned their attention to illegal immigration yesterday. Fairfax's county executive said he would begin studying which services might be restricted to illegal immigrants, and in Richmond, officials rejected a proposal to build a 1,000-bed detention center where illegal immigrants could be temporarily held for deportation.


The motion was put to a vote, and five of the board's other seven members, including three Republicans, agreed with Caddigan.


The measures approved yesterday improve cooperation with federal immigration authorities and direct police to check the immigration status of anyone accused of breaking the law if the officer suspect that person is an illegal immigrant. They also would deny certain county services to illegal immigrants, including drug counseling, some elderly services, and business licenses.

WaPo:  Pr. William Enacts Resolution Aimed at Illegal Immigrants

Too bad (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/17/2007 11:44:01 AM)
it is a supreme waste of PWC taxpayer dollars and will accomplish little to nothing to fix the problem.

This is not about rule of law, don't kid yourself.  I understand and support that idea, as does everyone, including the immigrants who came here without following the legal process.

This is an attempt to make a large, vibrant, and necessary portion of the population feel unwelcomed and scared.  It is un-American and shameful.

It's certainly not "vote-left" either.

Everyone supports (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/17/2007 11:52:32 AM)
deporting people convicted of a felony.

Everyone supports having workers be legitimate, paying taxes, and being good citizens.

Everyone supports businesses hiring only legal people (except perhaps some businesses that can't seem to find them and resort to falsifying documents for undocumented workers).

So stop wedging the people using divisive and largely non-factual rhetoric about crime, neighborhood problems, and fiscal burden, and get them documented.

Harassing good people is unconscionable.

Deporting members of families with legal residents is inconscionable.

Villifying (unjustly) a whole group of people because the federal government f'd up big time is unconscionable.

I could go on.

I am upset and disappointed that good people can't get past the BS rhetoric and understand that they are hurting other good people.  I am angry that the politicians supporting this care more about election grandstanding than the effect they will have on an important issue.

Rule of law, my ass.  That's not what this is about, my friend.

Not enforcing immigration laws... (vote-left - 10/18/2007 1:55:17 AM)
...was a deliberate right-wing scam started by Reagan to save businesses money, running down wages and taxes paid by the businesses.  And, the illegals take jobs away from other U.S. citizens, regardless of whatever nationality they may be, who would be doing these same jobs.

The sad part is that you apparently miss (or don't care) how these illegal aliens affect everyone else in these United States by increasing our taxes as we must subsidize many, many other things for these illegal aliens including free health care every time they go to the emergency room.  Your apparent friend, GWB, wants to give these illegal aliens Social Security and Medicare benefits. 

Many immigrants followed our immigration laws, waiting years to come here.  Illegal aliens did not.  They defied our laws.  They made choices and decisions which got them in the predicament they are in today.  No one made them do it. 

Your position that we are harassing and vilifying them, when they broke our laws to get themselves into this position to begin with, is simply Orwellian.  As I stated above, I welcome immigrants who come here legally.  You are simply trying to project fault and blame on the victims - those of us who have to subsidize their criminal decision to come here illegally, and their medical bills, costs of imprisoning them, etc. - rather than those who knowingly and brazenly broke (and continue to break) our laws.

There's a very simple solution to this (Lowell - 10/18/2007 6:04:41 AM)
Simply penalize the people who came in here illegally (e.g., payment of a stiff fine, requirement to learn English, criminal background checks, etc.) and then regularize their status (e.g., a tough path to earned legal status).  Also, increase and enforce penalties on illegal EMPLOYERS.  This is what John McCain and Ted Kennedy proposed in 2005:

...significantly increase the civil penalties for hiring, recruiting, and referral violations. For the first violation, it would establish a minimum penalty of $5,000 for each unauthorized alien with respect to whom a violation occurred. For entities previously subject to cease and desist orders under this section, it would raise the minimum penalty to $5,000 and the maximum penalty to $10,000 for each offense. For entities previously subject to more than one such order, the minimum penalty would be raised to $25,000.

The civil penalty levels for paperwork violations would also be significantly increased. Paperwork offenses, including failure to use the new verification system, would be subject to a minimum $1,000 penalty and maximum $25,000 penalty. This section also would establish a scheme for mitigating the penalty structure by reducing the amounts in question based on the size of the employer.

This section would increase dramatically the criminal penalties for entities engaged in a pattern or practice of hiring and employing unauthorized workers. It would raise the maximum fine from $3,000 to $50,000 for each unauthorized worker and would establish a minimum period of imprisonment of one year (the maximum period under current law is six months).

I agree, "legal" and "illegal" immigrants should not be treated the same. McCain-Kennedy's amendment would have accomplished this if it had passed.  Instead, it was defeated, despite support by the Bush Administration and many others, by anti-immigrant hardliners.  Wonderful.

Election year fodder (hereinva - 10/17/2007 11:07:13 AM)
Something as significant and costly for PWC  being pressed only three weeks before an election is suspect.

Makes a great headline: PWC (and certain BOS members up for re-election) are STRONG on illegal immigration*

*sorry can't fund any of our great ideas this year...just wait for next year.

If they were serious- the funds would match their words. Anyone can say they support XYZ..its takes real conviction to actually fund it. In the case of PWC's resolution..maybe thats a good thing.

In 2006 the "hot issue"  was gay marriage, in 2007 its illegal immigration....surprized it hasn't come up as some form of ballot initiative...oh wait..there is always 2008.