The "Liberal" Washington Post Endorsed "Pro-Life" Conservative Republican

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/16/2007 5:51:40 AM

Yesterday, the Washington Post endorsed Jill Holtzman Vogel over a superbly qualified mainstream Democrat, Karen Schultz for Virginia State Senate.  Here's some of Holtzman Vogel's campaign literature, indicating that she is a social conservative in the Pat Robertson mold, certainly not the "moderate" Republican the Post seems to love so much (e.g., Connie Morella, Tom Davis, Frank Wolf, Sean Connaughton...).  So much for the Washington Post being "liberal" in any way, shape or form.

P.S.  Note that Holtzman-Vogel is endorsed by Michael Farris, founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association and having a "close connection to ultra right-wing leaders like Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority, Pat Robertson of the Christian Coalition and Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum."


VOTE SCHULTZ!!! (Dianne - 10/16/2007 7:12:46 AM)
Like the draft (if there were one, there would be no war), if men got pregnant then there would be none of this pro-life political posturing.

Thank you to the men and women who support a woman's right to choose and a woman's right to be in control of her own body. 

And shame on VERY CONSERVATIVE (and very priviledged) Ms. Holtzman-Vogel for not supporting women. An actual (real) example:  What would Ms. Vogel-Holtzman do had she been forced into a pregnancy at say a very mature age, after having already raised a family, and not being able to afford nor have the energy to raise another child (and her husband forbid her from an abortion or choosing adoption)? 

I'm so sick of these types of "moderate" Republicans (HA) forcing their political poop on us.  Disgusting. When will these types of politicians ever empathize with those who are not as priviledged as they are?  Vote Schultz!!! 

Looks eerily like... (Pain - 10/16/2007 8:39:16 AM)
...Katherine Harris.

LOL!! (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/16/2007 11:56:54 AM)
Ouch!  You know what though, and I never realized it before, but you're absolutely right!

Maybe she'll get on a pony for us in a cowboy hat!

Exploiting their own children (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/16/2007 12:06:11 PM)
One thing that really, truly repulses me about GOP mail--especially among the hypocritical "family values" crowd--is their incessant use and willingness to exploit images of their own children for political gain.

It's like they are subconsciously saying--"look at me and the babies I've made--they're proof of my values!"  Unfortunately for their kids, they are plastered all over the mail of thousands of people before they even understand what any of it means.  It seems to be the only credential that matters to many Republican primary voters.  Don't get me wrong--I'm not saying that families are not absolutely the most wonderful thing in life, and that people shouldn't be proud of them, or even that they don't have a place in electoral politics.  But when they are USED the way the are in these Vogel mailings, I just find it repulsive.  It doesn't, unfortunately, mean that someone will be a good, competent, trustworthy, or values-based politician because they are able to squeeze out oodles of beautiful lilly-white babies.  Sorry, but the list of disappointments is TOO LONG for that (Vitter, Craig, Allen, and DeLay are just a few that come to mind!).

I think a discrete and tasteful picture here and there of your family is very worthwhile, but don't make the exploitation of images of your kids the central message of your mailings.

That's just awful in my opinion.

Are you sure she's not Kathryn Harris? (Not Harry F. Byrd, Sr. - 10/16/2007 12:23:49 PM)

There's a frightening resemblance (Lowell - 10/16/2007 2:12:15 PM)
come to think of it.  Shuddddder....

Vogel makes me sick (brookeln - 10/17/2007 1:46:42 PM)
@ Doug in Mount Vernon: "It's like they are subconsciously saying--'look at me and the babies I've made--they're proof of my values!' "

My thoughts exactly - except that it's not subconscious, it's a totally deliberate statement...

It makes me sick to see her offspring plastered all over her campaign literature. Ok, so what that tells me is that either she doesn't know how to use birth control, or that she's good at laying on her back and spitting out kids, while a rich husband supports them all. But how does that make her qualified to represent me? She's probably pretty skilled at changing diapers & wiping butts, and she's obviously good at judging other people's reproductive choices, but what does she know about the legislative process?

I am so very disappointed in the Post for endorsing her.