Kilgore and Crime - The Sequel

By: Nichole
Published On: 3/31/2005 2:00:00 AM

As RaisingKaine has pointed out previously, Jerry Kilgore constantly repeats how he stands strong on crime and on "keeping our state and communities safe."

Where drugs are concerned, though, I do believe the DEA would argue with Kilgore on that point. And let's be honest, numbers don't lie!

First let's look at Meth.  In February 2005, the DEA stated, "localized clandestine manufacture of methamphetamine has increased in Virginia every year for the past several years"

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  Wow, Jerry, I am so glad to see that your voluntary Meth Watch program is REALLY stopping the meth labs from creating meth!

Next let's look at what the DEA said about MDMA:

"MDMA abuse and distribution is an already large and still-growing problem"

Large and still-growing is hardly keeping us safe, right?

Let's talk about Drug Violation Arrests. While drug use is on the rise in Virginia,  drug violation arrests decreased from 844 to 569 between 2000 and 2004.  That's a decrease in drug arrests of 48% in just 4 years under "tough-on-crime" Jerry Kilgore!

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In other words, as Attorney General, Jerry Kilgore not only FAILED to keep our streets safe but also FAILED to put a crimp in drug use and manufacture.  Instead, Kilgore allowed drug arrests to DECREASE.  Quite an impressive record Kilgore has racked up for himself and for the Commonwealth.  A record of FAILURE, that is!
