Alexandria Passes Immigration Resolution

By: Matt H
Published On: 10/10/2007 9:25:52 AM

By a unanimous vote last night the Alexandria City Council voted on a resolution reiterating its respect and commitment for all of its citizens without regard to national origin or immigration status.  Importantly, no city services will be denied to undocumented citizens.  Each of the Council members gave compelling speeches in support of the resolution.  One cranky attendee interjected a few ignorant comments, but overall the measure was passed in a rather anticlimactic manner.

I'm glad that the City of Alexandria has reaffirmed its position on this matter that history will prove to be the correct one.


Glad to hear it... (Doug in Mount Vernon - 10/10/2007 11:17:05 AM)
Once again, the Alexandria government has demonstrated its repsect for fact, good government, and the very very American ethic of "welcoming your huddled masses".

Alexandria should be proud.

This is why I LOVE Alexandria (Dianne - 10/10/2007 1:28:55 PM)
Good people live there. 

Here in Spotsylvania, the politicians (Dems included, unfortunately) are arguing over who can most deny people (Hispanics at the moment) the basic necessities of life (food, shelter, or a helping hand)...."voted against illegal immigrants receiving any state or local public-assistance benefits". 

Spotsylvania a demographically changing county and the Democrats would be wise to acknowledge that before they lose their base.

Not Everyone is Good in Alexandria... (Matt H - 10/10/2007 2:02:59 PM)
But our "good" to "less good" ratio is pretty favorable.  Sadly the hidden sub-text in the faux-immigration debate in my opinion is old fashioned racism.  If people were truly concerned about the loss of low-wage jobs, they'd demand laws that make it easier for all workers to collectively bargain and they'd also demand universal health benefits.

Though I'm generally not an optimist, at least in Spotsylvania things can only get better, right?

Well there were the anti-Irish bar folks (Annie - 10/10/2007 6:48:37 PM)
Was it ten years ago or so? I think it was Ireland's own that wanted to open up a bar on Union street and some uppity snotty residents were complaining about how disruptive an "Irish bar" would be.

Thanks Matt (Dianne - 10/10/2007 10:24:29 PM)
Your comments about racism, I believe, are probably quite true.  To read the Free Lance Star, you'd think we live in the heart of Alabama!

As to Spotsylvania itself, the more Northern Virginians who move here (and plenty are moving here), the better things seem to get.  It's becoming much more diverse, so the "natives" are getting a little unsettled, I suspect.  They'll just have to get with the program...