Hillary's Finest Moment (So Far)

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 10/8/2007 8:48:00 PM

Is it just me or does FOX Opinion Media turn everyone evil?  They even got NPR's Maura Liasson to lie... must be something they keep in the green room.


Yet, Extraordinary Renditions Began Under Clinton (Galenbrux - 10/9/2007 7:15:18 PM)
It seems to be undisputed that extraordinary renditions by America began under the Clinton administration. Do a Google, and there are numerous references and links to confirmations by the CIA.

A rendition involves snatching interested parties off the streets in cities anywhere in the world. It amounts to government sponsored kidnapping. The Israelis have long been known for it before America.

What do you do with the captives? You interrogate them. What methods are used in the interrogations? If the captive is held in a foreign nation, at a CIA black place, then there are no rules for such interrogations.

Even from the video provided with this diary, Bill Clinton is not unequivocal about denying that he authorized torture. I suspect that Clinton's administration did permit torture.

As for Hillary, perhaps her policy would be different.