Jim Webb in "The Swamp"

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/7/2007 4:51:07 PM

The Baltimore Sun's "The Swamp" blog has a new article on Jim Webb, "Virginia's junior senator earns a national name."  It's got some interesting quotes by and about Webb, and some insight into why Webb's poll numbers aren't higher than they are.  For instance:

*Webb says "I'm doing what I think needs to be done...I think people are still beginning to get to know me."

*The article argues that Webb raised expectations regarding the Iraq war (especially in his response to President Bush's state of the union speech), and that people are frustrated the Congress hasn't been able to deliver.

*Webb says that he's "as frustrated as anybody else," adding "We've been filibustered every single time."

*Webb says that he has hear calls to cut off funding for the troops, but that he "was very clear during the campaign that this has to be done responsibly."

*On his future prospects, Webb says that running for Vice President is "not in my game plan."  As far as the Senate is concerned, Webb says, "I feel like I'm doing good here. I'll take a look at this in 4 or 5 years and see how I feel."

Read the entire article here.


Here's another quote (Chris Guy - 10/7/2007 5:28:36 PM)
from the comment section of the blog, Tondee's Tavern

Can I just say, though, how much of a badass Jim Webb is?

Webb's Comments Should Outrage Us All (Flipper - 10/7/2007 11:16:53 PM)
I just read the text of the article on Jim Webb in The Baltimore Sun's "The Swamp" blog and I am outraged!

The Iraq war has beem a complete disaster.  How President Bush as a "Christian" can sleep at night is beyond me.  Over 3,700 of our service men and women dead, tens of thousands severely injured with permanent brain damage, missing limbs, loss of hearing, eyesite; families torn apart, children growing up without a mother or father.  And lets not forget the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed during the invasion of Irag and during the subsequent civil war that has gripped the country.

I had high hopes that the Dems, once winning control of Congress last fall, would put an end to this fiasco but the horror continues.

In the article, Webb says he "is frustrated as anyone else adding "We've been filibsutered every single time."  And the key phrase is frustrated every single time!  Senator, of course you have - the Republicans are never going to vote to end the war no matter how many times the Dems bring the issue up.

The only way the Dems can stop the insanity is to cut off funding for the war and bring the troops home.  But Webb, in the article, says that he "was very clear during the campaign that this has to be done responsibly." What is responsible about continuing a war in which more American troops will die?  There is a direct link between continuing to fund the war and the number of troop deaths in Iraq.  Is this concept too difficult for the soon to be "Senior Senator" from Virginia to grasp?  How do Dems like Webb explain to families of service members who will be killed in Iraq tomorrow or in December, or next summer, that it was responsible to keep funding the war? 

The Iraq war has been a huge disaster for the Republicans from almost the beginning.  But, even though I totally disagree with the Republicans on almost everything, at least they stand up and say what they believe and then carry through on it.  The Dems in Congress need to start doing the same thing.  They needs to grow some b---s (rhymes with calls), and show some leadership, cut the funding off and bring the troops home - and they need to do it now.  Shame on President Bush and every member of Congress for letting this fiasco continue. 

FLIPPED OUT (Tony Mastalski - 10/7/2007 11:43:18 PM)
Just for the record ... I think Flipper is full of Dolphin Dung. The Swamp Blog piece was reasonably accurate and it's hard for me think of any other Democrat or Republican who has done as much as Webb to change course in the IRAQ region.

I as much as anyone else would like the IRAQ war / foreign policy blunder come to an end. I have close family and friends serving in theater, today.

But the blast against Webb is way over the top of constructive criticism which should more rightly be directed toward the senior Senate leadership ... in both parties. And quite frankly 80% of the invectives belong to the Repblican Elephants.

So do me a favor Flipster ... save your big retorical guns and ammo for the Elephants.

I agree (Ron1 - 10/8/2007 1:01:38 AM)
The problem we have here really is a structural political problem. The other problem is that Senator Webb is too decent and honorable a person, while the Republicans in the Senate generally have no such compunctions.

Think about this: In 2002, right before the elections, the Democratically controlled Congress led by Tom Daschle, under similar rules, allowed the AUMF to pass, 77-23. Now, a similarly sized majority controlled by Democrats need 60 votes just to begin to change policy which will surely then be vetoed.

I think Democrats ought to be willing to call every Republican bluff -- if the Republicans won't vote to invoke cloture, there will be no funds appropriated, period. Then, when the President threatens to or does veto said bill, keep sending back the same bill until he agrees to compromise, and draw a line in the sand on the minimum that will be accepted in order for money for the war to be appropriated.

The problem with all this is that the modern Republican party leadership is the most reactionary political party we've ever seen, and they have no respect for the political structures the Constitution mandates -- there is no tradition, no rule, no law they won't break to gain more power or avoid accountability.

It's a terrible problem, paid for in blood.

The only solution at this point, frankly, is by the ballot box -- every single obstructionist Republican in the Senate needs to be kicked out of office. A number of Dem Senators ought to be as well. These people, minus notable exceptions like Senator Webb, are a disgrace.

Webb's Comments...... (Flipper - 10/8/2007 12:41:55 AM)
Tony, my posting had plenty of criticism for President Bush and his Republican lapdogs.  But where have you been?  The Republicans lost control of Congress LAST fall!  And a vast majprity of Republicans have voted against every bill, including all of Webb's ammendments, to stop the war.  The Dems don't need Republican votes to cut off funding - they have the votes necessary to do so.  So why keep going back to the Republicans and asking them to vote for a bill or an ammendment time and time again, when they have shown no willingness to do so in the recent past? It's a waste of time at this point, prolongs the war, and leads to more American casulaties.  So perhaps it is time for Webb to MOVE-ON and introduce a bill to cut off funds.  And I'm sure he could do this in a "responsible" way. 

The Dems in Congress ran last fall on a platform to end the war.  They need to live up to that promise and cut off the funding and bring the troops home - plain and simple.  And quite frankly, it is the only responsible thing left to do. 

And maybe I have flipped out when it comes to the war, but based on the most recent polls, it appears that I did so at the same time a majority of the country did - so I have plenty of company.  I, like many Americans, have grown tired and irritable watching the death counts rise with no end in site; and add to that a Congress with no back bone and leadership skills to do what needs to be done and BAM -we flip out.