
By: Lowell
Published On: 10/5/2007 3:36:32 PM


Thelma "Tra La La" Drake (elevandoski - 10/5/2007 3:52:49 PM)
is going to be targeted with a round of these great ads. They say they need 15 representatives to override the veto and they have 19 targeted.  Randy Forbes is one voting against this, yet he isn't targeted in the ads specifically. 

Great ad, just one question (Teddy - 10/6/2007 3:56:55 PM)
Why no very clearly black or other minority kids (except LaToya, perhaps?) Bunch of mainly blue-eyed pale-faces.  If this ad is going to be run in some districts, it should be more--- ecumenical? That said, it is very effective. 

By the way, are the Democrats ever going to get a strong message out that Bush's smirky little comments about extending the coverage mis-state the case, just as he always does? The legislation does not include children whose parents could if they "chose" pay for their own health care insurance. Nor, by the way, does Bush's counter-proposal even begin to cover the cost of continuing the current program as-is.