Eric Cantor [hearts] Rush Limbaugh

By: bherring
Published On: 10/4/2007 6:00:50 PM

Perhaps you've heard of the little flap that occurred last week.  Rush Limbaugh on his radio show was talking with a caller about how much they both could not stand returning soldiers who spoke out against the occupation.  From the transcript, Rush and his caller refer to soldiers who want to "keep the troops safe" as "phony soldiers."  Rush later attempted to explain himself by stating that he was referring to A. a soldier who was not mentioned in the entire show in question and B. decorated Marine John Murtha.  Seriously.

And of course, like the conservative liar he is, he blames liberals for attacking him for words he actually said.

Enter another conservative liar:  Eric Cantor.
Cantor released an e-mail today to his (paid) supporters with the subject "Rush Needs Your Support."  (You can read the whole e-mail here.)  Apparently to people like Cantor (liars) any attempt to hold a conservative accountable for their baseless attacks is some sort of witch-hunt, a conspiracy, and they must lie to protect their own.

So Cantor is willing to stand with Limbaugh, no matter what he says, even after attacking troops, something that Cantor has often falsely condemned Democrats of doing.  Not only is he a liar; he's also a partisan hypocrite liar.

But everyone paying attention knew that already.

And speaking of actual phony soldiers, neither Cantor, Limbaugh, or Bush served in the military, yet they are all perfectly willing to send real troops off to die for absolutely nothing.


CANTOR/LIMBAUGH (skews13 - 10/6/2007 7:37:46 PM)
in case you havn't been paying real close attention, these people are still running plays from the ronald reagan playbook. this includes our current president who has exclusively been using it for pretty much his whole term,up to the present time.( check the records, they will speak for themselves)the thing i find the most ammusing,is the fact they actually believed these failed conservative policies of the 1980's will work now even though they did not work then. memo to the republican had better come up with a new playbook.this one doesn't work.