Lots to vote on this 2007 election

By: snolan
Published On: 10/2/2007 10:15:40 AM

So I dug into the Virginia State Board of Elections website and managed to put together what I think my ballot will look like this coming November 6th:

State Senate, 29th District:
Charles J. Colgan (D) incumbent
Robert S. FitzSimmonds (R)

House of Delegates, 13th District:
Bruce E. Roemmelt (D)
Robert G. "Bob" Marshall (R) incumbent
Prince William County Clerk of Court:
William M. "Bill" Ryland (D)
Michele B. McQuigg (R)
Lucile S. "Lucy" Beauchamp (Independent)

Prince William County Commonwealth's Attorney:
Paul Ebert (D) incumbent, unopposed

Prince William County Sheriff:
Glendell Hill (R) incumbent
Louis Ginesi Dominguez (Independent) - I cannot find his website, help....

Prince William County Soil and Water Conservation Director:
Matthew A. Brooks (I)
Austin B. Haynes, Jr (I)
Alex Pendleton Lucas III (I)
Note: I could find none of their websites, so I sent them all email in hopes to learn more.

Chairman, Prince William County Board of Supervisors:
Sharon E. Pandak (D)
Corey Stewart (R) incumbent

Gainesville District Supervisor:
Corey Riley (D)
John Stirrup (R) incumbent

Prince William County Chairman of the School Board:
Milton Johns (Independent) unopposed

Prince William County School Board:
Gainseville: Don Richardson (Independent, Incumbent, unoppsed)

Wow, that's ten different elections this year, and I am not even in a town or city, and some of the races I get to vote in are unopposed.  Time to do some research voters, and start figuring out who some of the people you'll be chosing are.


I sure wish you could enter your address and get a single page sample ballot instead of having to peruse 15 PDF files to collate the information yourself.

Update: Thanks to anneb, I added County websites and League of Women Voters websites to the list of local information about upcoming elections:

Prince William County: http://www.co.prince-william.va.us/default.aspx?topic=040042

Fairfax County: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/eb/upcoming.htm

Loudon County: http://www.loudoun.gov/government/election.htm
(though the League has better information for Loudon at: http://www.loudoun.va.lwvnet.org/)

Fauquier County: (still stuck with last year's information) http://www.fauquiercounty.gov/Government/Departments/registrar/index.cfm?action=notices


Update: Prince William County Soil and Water Conservation Director (snolan - 10/5/2007 9:58:30 AM)
Prince William County Soil and Water Conservation Director: Turns out these are three volunteers for three open positions, so it is effectively uncontested this election (in Prince William County).

Furthermore, all three responded nicely to my request for information and they'd like citizens to take more interest in our environment.  Sounds like a great idea.

Stirrup's Audacity (snolan - 10/5/2007 9:59:46 AM)
Is anyone else annoyed at Stirrup's audacity in registering the domain name he did for his campaign website?

I guess it could also be called being ballsy...  Gah....