National Review Online: "A GOP Recipe for Electoral Disaster"

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/27/2007 1:05:40 PM

From the conservative National Review Online (NRO), here's the "GOP Recipe for Electoral Disaster":

In an exhaustively researched survey of 145 precincts and 175,000 votes, Richard Nadler of America's Majority Foundation concludes that when Republicans talk about enforcement-only, deportation, and criminalization of illegal immigrants, they get slammed politically.

According to Mr. Nadler, "Policies that induce mass fear in illegal aliens induce mass anger in legal aliens because of ties of family culture and a shared media communication."

Because of the predominant Republican party attitude of enforcement-only, the study indicates that Democrats will capture New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Florida, and Iowa in the upcoming presidential contest.


Any discussion of mass deportation or criminalization is a disaster.

This is tough stuff. GOP: Be warned.

You can't be much clearer than that, courtesy of the conservative America's Majority Foundation and the conservative National Review Online.  I wonder if Virginia Republicans are listening. 


Virginia GOP listen? (Teddy - 9/27/2007 2:39:14 PM)
Maybe some will, but it seems to me that the hardcore republican voters who are always into punishment and authoritarianism, whose first response to any problem is to shock and awe the other guy, will NOT listen. And those Republicans running for office (especially downstate) absolutely cannot afford to alienate their hardcore base, and probably would not want to, since they share the same punitive attitude.

Since you were a Republican for so long (Lowell - 9/27/2007 3:34:22 PM)
why do you think they're so into "punishment and authoritarianism," as you say?

These are not Goldwater Republicans (dsvabeachdems - 9/27/2007 8:35:17 PM)
This is not the party that powered LBJ's civil rights intiatives through Congress and had the mediating voices of Brooke and Rockefeller and the intellect the Buckleys. This is the party that welcomed in the Dixiecrats and their ilk who fled the Democratic Party.

The GOP (Just Saying - 9/27/2007 8:58:35 PM)
is committing mass, albeit slow, suicide with the immigration issue.

It's almost horrifying to watch...if I wasn't such a partisan Democrat.

It's stupifying that there isn't anyone in the GOP that can get the base of the party to listen. The numbers are as clear as day. They need the Latino Vote to win national elections.

the G.O.P. meuseum (pvogel - 9/28/2007 5:48:44 AM)
I am sure when they build it, GW BUSH will not have a gallery

Illegal Immigration, Giuliani and Pete Wilson (Flipper - 9/28/2007 7:08:10 PM)
Here is an interesting tidbit to add to this discussion.

Apparently in 1986, then Sen., Pete Wilson, R-CA, passed  a bill through Congress at the urging of the agricultural lobby in CA, which gave illegal immigrants amnesty if they had worked in the fields more than 90 days the prior year.  Wilson, who later, became governor of CA and sponsored the anti-immigrant prop 187, which fueled a huge backlash amongst immigrants against the GOP, has now endorsed Guiliani.

Makes you wonder if Wilson's bill in 1986 granting amnesty actually opened the floodgates of illegal immigration during the 1990's.  And if so, isn't it ironic that a Republican started the chain of events in which conservatives are now ranting and raving about!!

Forgive my while I shed a tear.....

Check out the link. 
