Should the Loudoun Democrats take a stand on the Immigration issue?

By: Don
Published On: 9/22/2007 12:27:05 PM

Should the Loudoun County Democratic Committee (LCDC) take a stand on the immigration debate?
The LCDC functions democratically. It could and I think it must take a stand on this issue, if a politically feasible resolution could be formed.  Certainly the LCRC has, and they have done so to the detriment of our community.

This is a complex issue, and violations of immigration regulations are a Federal Civil Offences, which is outside the jurisdiction of our Sheriff's department. I'd like to see the LCDC take a position that they will focus on the issues, the problems, that we all want addressed, and they reject categorically that targeting of members of our community. That they will not target busineses, which are the life blood of our communities, though as always they will enforce labor laws and prosecute unfair labor practices. They will focus on addressing specific and quantifiable community issues, such as crime, gangs, and the issues that arise as a result of the under ground labor market, such as unfair labor practices and collecting tax revenue. That they will promote an honest and studied assessment of these issues, and that they reject the politicizing of our constitutional offices, and the strategic dissemination of misinformation for political gain, as destructive to our society. has numerous posts in which we have collected crime and cost stats from the Sheriff's department, we have interviewed each Sheriff Candidate. We have posted part of Mike George's interview and are in the process of posting the interview for the Independent and the Republican Candidates. One of our authors is an Economics Professor, who has posted results of years of research into this area. We have begun the formulation of a facts based understanding of the immigration issue, and I encourage those interested take a look and participate.
