What Will Scott Howell Do Next?

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/24/2005 1:00:00 AM

OK, sure, Scott Slimeball...er, Howell's Hitler ad backfired, but my guess is that won't stop him from springing something else nasty in the next 2 weeks.  That's just what Scott Howell does!  But what, exactly, will we see coming out from under the slimy rock where Kilgore's top media advisor lives?  Here are few suggestions, just in case Howell is hard up for ideas (ha ha):

1) Attack Tim Kaine's Christian faith - whoops, tried that earlier in the campaign and it didn't work.
2) Whine about people making fun of Jerry's "accent" -- the only problem is, they tried that before and it didn't work either.  The problem was that nobody ever attacked Jerry Boy's "accent" and he knows it.
3) Go racist! When all else fails, Scott "Black Hands" Howell is notorious for this.  I say, bring on the grainy, night-vision images of Hispanics (of course they're not Irish or Germans or English).  Maybe resurrect the crazy, tinfoil hat, MS13-Al Qaeda connection?  The only problem is that the FBI said it had found "no evidence supporting that allegation."  How about attacking the City of Richmond in a subtle way that incorporates clever racial code language?  Whoops, did THAT already too!
4) Go negative! Well, I suppose Kilgore and Howell can't really do that any more than they've already done.  On second thought...ask Max Cleland and Tom Daschle what they think about that!
5)  Lie!   Oh well, once again it's a case of "been there, done that."  Still, I'm sure there's SOMETHING more the Kilgore campaign can lie about in the next two weeks.  For this bunch of liars, that's a veritable eternity!
6) Bring in the Dictators!  Sure, Kilgore's "Hitler" ad didn't work out too well, but there's still a whole host of genocidal dictators the Kilgore campaign hasn't used yet.  Mao? Stalin?  Pol Pot?  Castro?  Chavez? C'mon guys, I'm sure you can think of SOMEONE!
7) Bring in George W. Bush!  Whoops, that's not going to work too well, given Bush's -15% approval/disapproval ratings in Virginia.  Well then, how about other national Republican leaders, like Tom DeLay...er, Bill Frist...er, Karl Rove...er, Dick Cheney...er, ah forget it!
8) Surprise everyone and talk about Jerry's POSITIVE VISION for Virginia!  Uh oh, that's not going to work at all.  Unfortunately, Jerry Kilgore doesn't HAVE any positive vision for Virginia.  D'oh!  Guess it's back to #1-#7.
