URGENT! Call Senator Webb's Office Today!

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 9/19/2007 1:19:39 PM

I'm passing along this urgent call to action from Jubilee USA, a group that fights to lift the burden of debt from developing nations, especially in Africa.

Please give Jim Webb a call today... The letter explains more.

If you'd like to know more about Jubilee USA, click [here]

Subj:  Urgent! Call Senator Webb TODAY re: Jubilee debt cancellation

Hello Jubilee friends in Virginia,

We've got a meeting TOMORROW with Senator Webb's office, and we need your help!

Please call Senator Webb's office this TODAY and TOMORROW (September 19 & 20th) and ask him to support a Senate version of the Jubilee Act: 
(202) 224-4024 (See script below)

Because you live in Virginia, you are in a unique position to ensure that legislation calling for expanded debt cancellation to address extreme poverty is introduced into the Senate.  We have a bill in the House of Representatives (H.R. 2634), but so far no Senator has stepped forward to introduce companion legislation.  Click here (http://www.jubileeus...)for more information about the Jubilee Act.  Your Senator, Jim Webb is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, one of the Senate committees with jurisdiction over the Jubilee Act.  Senator Webb?s support is very  important to our efforts to introduce the Jubilee Act into the Senate this year.

Rev. David Duncombe (now in Day 17 of his fast) and I will be meeting with Senator Webb's staff this coming Thursday, September 20th.  Hearing from you between now and then will make a big difference in how the meeting goes!

This is your chance to make a decisive difference in the international struggle for debt cancellation for the world's impoverished countries. 
Here's what you can do today:

1.  Pick up the phone and call Senator Webb's office in Washington, DC:  (202) 224-4024

2.  The receptionist will answer.  Introduce yourself as a constituent from ________ (city), Virginia

3.  Say some version of the following:  "I am calling to urge Senator Webb to support a Senate version of the Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation (HR 2634).  This bill would provide debt cancellation for every country that needs it to address extreme poverty.

4.  It was introduced into the House of Representatives this summer.  I urge Senator Webb to take the lead in introducing a Senate version of this important legislation."  (You can stop there, or add an additional sentence about why this issue is important to you).  Then thank the receptionist and say goodbye.

5.  Feel good about having made a difference in a struggle that will impact literally millions of people around the world.  Then get 6 of your friends to make the call too!

We recently met with a member of Congress who told us that 7 calls from the district indicates significant concern & moves the office to take action on an issue.

Think about it, only 7 calls!  Won't you take a few minutes out of your day today to be one of those 7 people for the Jubilee movement?

Many of you have already acted to support Jubilee by participating in the 40-day rolling Cancel Debt Fast or by filling out a plate letting your Representative or Senators know that you are "Hungry for Justice". Thank you for all you are doing!  We will let you know how the meeting goes on Thursday.  Senator Webb's office will definitely let us know if they heard from you this week!

If you live in the area & would like to join us for this meeting, please let us know.  We'd love to have some constituents there with us!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Kristin@jubileeusa.org or Jubilee organizer Brian Swarts at brian@jubileeusa.org.



Kristin Sundell, M.Div.
Director of Advocacy and Organizing
Jubilee USA Network


Every seventh year we will forgo working the land and will cancel all debts. (Nehemiah 10:31)
