Supervisor Delgaudio's $20 Million Claim for Jailing Undocumented Immigrants 61 Times Actual Cost

By: Don
Published On: 9/18/2007 9:30:18 PM

The misinformation surrounding U.S. Immigration policies is the king-pin to the RNC's campaign strategy through-out the county. Loudoun County seems to be ground zero. To uncover accurate information, has been working closely with the Sheriff's department to get accurate statistical data regarding this issue for our locality.

In this report, looked at Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio (R-Sterling) claim that undocumented immigrants cost Loudoun County $20 Million a year. His claim was "based solely on the cost of keeping illegal immigrants in the county jail" [Leesburg Today, July 20, 2007].

However, data data provided by the Sheriff's department, from the State Compensation Board, shows that the total estimated cost of maintaining the entire Loudoun County Jail System for FY2007 is only $10 Million, and the costs of housing the undocumented would be a fraction of that. Using daily incarceration figures, LoudounForce showed that the actual cost of housing undocumented immigrants is around $325,000.


Meanwhile, Loudoun Democrats Remain Silent (Galenbrux - 9/19/2007 1:03:49 PM)
While anti-immigrant forces are running amok in Loudoun County, the local County Democratic Committee has remained silent.

As far as I can determine, the Loudoun County Democratic Committee has not made any official or unofficial statements regarding a county ordinance that would limit county services to undocumented residents in Loudoun.

In other words, the LCDC seems to feel that everything is going along just fine.

Oh, if a land use issue should arise, like a new residential development, we're sure to hear the outrage from the local Dems.

Beg to differ (Evan M - 9/19/2007 1:19:24 PM)
The LCDC has been busy going door to door, printing and distributing candidate materials and phonebanking. In general, the LCDC doesn't take many policy positions, other than the declaration of principles. I think the party, and the migrants in Loudoun County are better off if Democrats are elected, and that is what the LCDC is spending its limited time, money and energy on.

Meanwhile, many of us have been using our own time to advocate for the migrants in Loudoun. So much so that the Washington Post has noticed: Morning News Roundup.

The Democratic Party is a lot more than a county or district, or even state committee. It's each and every one of us. Kos taught us that. Change happens one precinct at a time, and each precinct is different, but at the end of the day, we're all pulling in the same direction. Let's not get in our own way by declaring each other impure on one issue or another.