Netroots for Virginia: increasing cooperation among local committees

By: Rob
Published On: 9/18/2007 2:00:00 PM

Here's a great blog post from a member of the Netroots for Virginia alliance, Mike of the Falls Church-based blog Blueweeds.  The moral of his story -- local Democratic communities and committees should help one another heading into November.  Without any endangered incumbents, the Arlington Democratic committee has been implementing a plan to help out Fairfax allies with their candidates while balancing the needs back home.  The conclusion:

Being a local party chair is not all sunshine and chocolate.  But heading into the home stretch of hotly contested races with much at stake, it feels good to be on a team which is doing the right things and playing well together.

If you're part of a local committee or community without a competitive race, consider whether there's a nearby candidate that might be pushed to victory with your help.  While you may not have months of planning on your side like the Arlington Dems if you start now, there's plenty that can be done in the next 49 days to help out.  And there's plenty of good advice at Mike's blog -- including this link to the Arlington Dems' 21/51 "Turn Virginia Blue" page.

Got any tales of cooperation?  Think you're in an area that could help or could use some help?  Let the Commonwealth know in the comments.  And if you want to join the alliance, email me.
