Jerry Kilgore: Lies and More Lies

By: Mary
Published On: 10/17/2005 1:00:00 AM

Considering that the first two ads (Stanley 1 & 2) are premised on the assertion that Kaine represented convicted murderer Mark Shepherd. Tim Kaine never did this, having never even met the defendant. The limit of Kaine's involvement was a brief conversation with Shepherd's attorney on the phone.

So, the entire premise of these two ads is a lie.

On ad #3 ("Kelly"), Tim Kaine never called for a two-year moratorium on executions and Edward Bell - murderer of Officer Ricky Timbrook - was never an illegal alien, despite the claims of Kelly Timbrook, his widow.

Similarly, part of the premise for this ad is based on a lie.

Given that these emotional appeals are based on lies, it would truly be a tragedy if voters looked to these ads for guidance on the issue of the death penalty.

Even worse, although every single negative Kilgore advertisement has been conclusively proven as wrong, Jerry says that he "stands by my ads."

Why should voters give ANY credibility to anyone who is willing to man who is willing to stand by statements that are time and time again proven as lies?

Just whose credibility is really at variance with reality? Challenging Kaine's credibility with Kilgore's lies only just demonstrates that Jerry Kilgore lacks honesty and integrity.

Since Jerry Kilgore's proven he's willing to lie to win the governor's slot, how can we trust that he is not lying about his plans for transportation, taxation, education, or anything else in the campaign.

In fact, for that sake, how do we know that Kilgore isn't lying about his stance on the death penalty? 

Maybe that's a lie as well.
